What is "Diesel Bug"?

"Diesel Bug" refers to a special type of microbial activity that covers any and all micro-organisms that can live, feed and otherwise thrive in a fuel based environment.  Be it bacteria, fungi, algae or something else this kind of growth manifests itself as a slime like substance and is often fast growing requiring both water and fuel to grow and thrive in warmer weather. Unfortunately this phenomena isn't just limited to diesel as the name suggests as it will impact and degrade all fuel types, be it Kerosene, diesel or Gas Oil.

What is the Cause of the Diesel Bug? 

Diesel Bug is caused when a system storing fuel is over saturated with water. Part of this oversaturation is caused by diesel itself with the fuel being Hygroscopic meaning that it attracts and retains water often caused by condensation at a molecular level so is a natural result of the fuel resting for long periods of time and is one of the reasons your fuel will naturally decay over the years. Other factors that may speed up this unfortunate issue vary from damage to the tank or container that is used to store said fuel, missing caps allowing rain water to seep in to where the fuel is located, areas of high humidity or temperature will also further influence how quickly the Diesel bug might grow and spread.

Diesel Bug Molecular Infographic

What can Diesel Bug Lead to? 

  • Restricted Fuel flow/Fuel Starvation 
  • Blocked Pipes and Filters 
  • Corrosion 
  • Fuel Degradation, downgrade or outright loss 
  • Higher Maintenance Costs 
  • Excessive Sludge Build up 
  • Emulsions (Fuel-Water mixtures that won't separate)

What Does Diesel Bug Look Like? 

As shown by the images above a concentration of diesel bug will closely resemble a slime, the colour itself may vary depending on the type or types of microorganism making the slime its home but it is often dark brown or black in colour. It will sit between the water and fuel layers of the tank when present and may give of a rather unpleasant smell, somewhat akin to rotten eggs.

How to tell if you may have Diesel Bug? 

While it’s important to make sure you have clean fuel in your tank here at WCF Chandlers we know it's not always so easy looking in your tank to check so here are a few other ways in which you might notice some early warning signs so that you can act in time.

  • Blocked Filters that need changing more often than normal 
  • Bad smell or black smoke when burning your fuel 
  • Increase in Fuel consumption  
  • Dark “coffee like” sediment appearing in filters  

Although this list is not exhaustive it will hopefully help you in checking your fuel so you can spot the bug before it becomes a problem.

How do I prevent Diesel bug in the first place? 

As the old saying goes “Prevention is better than cure” and with diesel bug that is no different now there's two ways to approach this, the first is tank maintenance and minimizing the amount of water that comes into contact with the fuel which can be done via filters or absorbers the other route is to use an additive, and here at WCF Chandlers we recommend Exocet’s Anti Bug additive which can be used in two ways. The first is by using a “protect” dose that will inhibit the microbial growth of diesel bug in clean tanks or can be used in a “Kill” dose that will tackle and eliminate an existing infestation of microbial activity and while designed for fuel tanks it can be used to treat individual vehicles or machine tanks.

Exocet Anti Bug Additive? What's that? 

Simply put it’s a fuel soluble biocide and preservative that works to inhibit and prevent the microbial growth responsible for diesel bug.


  •  Covers a variety of Fungi, Bacteria, viruses and yeasts 
  • Has an Immediate impact and will not add to any existing build up 
  • Takes 24 to 36 hours to clean up the system 
  • Cleans filters and gauges while helping prevent pipe and tank corrosion 
  • Does not impact the fuels burning efficiency  
  • Fully compatible with steels, aluminium and zinc and with polyethylene and polypropylene 
  • Has no adverse impact on wastewater or sewage systems 
  • Approved as a fuel additive by: Mercedes Benz, DAF, MAN, NATO, Deutz, Shell, the Swiss Army and more!  


  • Clean - As mentioned above using Exocet Anti Bug will both clean up and help you keep your system clean 
  • Maintain - A clean System is a healthy System!  
  • Performance - By making sure to use the right additive you can make your fuel go that extra mile, be it on the road or heating your home! 

How can I Get Exocet Anti Bug Additive? 

That’s easy! Just contact our team via call or email for more information on fuel, whether it's about fuel standards, quality, alternate fuels or additives that help you increase your fuel economy. Our team has the answers and is more than happy to help. If you want to read more information though we also have a blog post about Exocet's Gas Oil conditioner which you can read about here.

Stay warm with WCF Chandlers Home Heating Oil

With our domestic services to homeowners, bulk fuel solutions for farms and businesses, and local village buying groups with thousands of members across Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire, Norfolk, and the East Midlands, WCF Chandlers ensures you never run out of essential fuels. 

Whether you need home heating oil, agricultural diesel, or commercial fuels, we've got you covered. Across all our depots, we are committed to providing you with exceptional value and exceeding expectations with our award-winning service. Whether you're looking for affordable heating oil for your boiler, or bulk fuel supplies for your farm or business, we have the right solution for you. We also offer local Village Buying Groups, allowing you to benefit from more competitive prices by grouping deliveries in your area. With thousands of members, our buying groups reduce distribution costs, and we pass those savings directly to you. 

 We can even manage your fuel levels with WCF Chandlers Tank Smart Monitoring service. Plus, if you want to spread the cost of your domestic heating oil, explore our helpful Payment Plans, where we can offer you the best available price.